Star & Associates General Update: September 2023

Welcome to our quarterly update of important news across business, tax, super and accounting. We are excited to share insights and help chart the course ahead. Rising Audit Activity by the ATO ATO’s AI-Driven Auditing Increased Scrutiny by State Government Agencies 2023 Individual Tax Return Checklist Small Business Technology Investment Boost and Skills and Training…

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Insights into the Federal Budget: Key Takeaways for Businesses

At Star & Associates, we are committed to keeping our clients informed about the latest developments that affect their businesses.  While Budget 2023 was a fairly limited budget in terms of support for businesses, we have compiled some key takeaways worth considering: Small business measures Temporary Increase in Instant Asset Write-Off Threshold: From July 1,…

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Is your holiday home a tax target? The ATO is cracking down

This was originally published in the Australian on 27 Jan 2023 by James Gerrard. Click here to access the original. Tax breaks are claimed on more than two million investment properties each year, with the ­average claim being almost $20,000 in 2021. Although that volume of claims may seem high, the ATO is fine with…

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Star & Associates General Update: March 2023

Welcome to the first Star & Associates General Update for 2023, bringing you all the most important news and updates across business, tax, super and accounting. We are well and truly into the new year and a lot has happened already, so let’s explore the most relevant topics for business owners around Australia. Star &…

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Star & Associates General Update: December 2022

Welcome to our bi-monthly update of important news across business, tax, super and accounting. With the holiday season on our doorstep, it’s an important time for organisations to take care of last-minute tasks and start preparing for a busy 2023. We hope you have a fantastic end-of-year break and enter the New Year feeling revitalised…

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Budget update: What it means for our clients

The Federal Government released its latest Budget on Tuesday, 25 October with a raft of measures that will impact the wider business community. Here are some of the most important takeaways for business owners across the country. Biggest takeaways A number of energy grants will help SMEs shift to more energy-efficient solutions in order to…

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Star & Associates General Update: October 2022

Welcome to the new and improved Star & Associates. Over the past few months we have given our website and online branding a complete refresh, as well as revamped our office space for our staff and clients to enjoy. As we look forward to the next exciting chapter of our advisory business, we’ll continue to…

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Try these top tax tips to maximise deductions

This was originally published in the Australian on 3 Jun 2022. Click here to access the original. Top accountants give some insight on the less well-known tax planning tips. With less than a month to go in the financial year, it is worth considering what last-minute actions can be undertaken to reduce any upcoming personal…

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Secret to investing for your kids

This was originally published in the Australian on 26 Nov 2021. Click here to access the original. It is advisable to consult an accountant before setting up a stock account for a minor. There are few questions more common inside financial planning than “how to invest for the kids”. It should be easy to answer,…

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JobKeeper extension compliance focus areas

In addition to the existing focus areas, the ATO has identified two new focus areas for compliance  with the JobKeeper extension.  • Actual decline in turnover test  • Claiming the incorrect higher tier rate of JobKeeper payment.  The additional actual decline in turnover test must be satisfied to access JobKeeper payments for  fortnights from 28…

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